Tuesday, April 10, 2012

First Day Of School!

On It's been some time since the last post! I often slack off at the end of a show. I think it's because I become so focused on getting to go home!
Since we last met a lot has happened! Shane I got a puppy!
I also booked a FABULOUS show! Music Man at Arena Stages in Washington DC. I'm here now and am absolutely loving it.
Walter has been a phenomenal addition to our family! Shane and I can't figure out what we did before we got him :)
Last week was my birthday and I want to take this opportunity to thank (in order of receipt--is that the right verb tense?) Ali, Sarah, Mom, Dad and Shane for the GORGEOUS flowers!Please take a moment to notice the GIANT arrangement of branches. Sarah was in the city celebrating my birthday with me and looked like a crazy person trying to maneuver these into the elevator (I will not post the picture because I have not received permission;). Shane wanted to make sure I got a bouquet of branches because I'd never been given any before and he wanted to make sure I knew my birthday was a "big deal." I laughed a lot, but then totally ate crow when then branches bloomed. They continuted to fill out and fill the apartment with a really amazing perfume.
After Shane and I packed up the car, Walter and I drove down here to DC yesterday (Monday) to move into our apartment which is AMAZING!

It took Walter a little while to get used to his new surroundings, but he finally relaxed!
On our walk last night we found this nice little area next to our apartment building that has little rock areas that go into the water of the fountain and is really pretty. I'm sure Walter would jump in if I let him, but I'd like his first swimming adventure to be a little more controlled than that :)
We had our first day of school today which was filled with costume fittings for me (I"m Swing and Dance Captain and am covering a LOT of roles) and meet and greets. Everyone who works at/is affiliated with Arena is wonderful. Everyone has been so welcoming, friendly and positive. I love it! Tomorrow we have some music and dance rehearsal and we get to have some time as a company with the director! I can't wait to get this party started and until then Walter is scoping out the hot scene here in DC!