In addition to collecting money after shows, Broadway Cares also raises money through the Easter Bonnet Competition. Since we weren't in New York for the Easter Bonnet this year we decided to have our own. Each show puts together a short skit/performance number and a bonnet is designed that is worn in the performance and then judged by a panel. We had a few contestants and a fabulous evening of laughs! As you know, I wear a fabulous snood as part of costume (A snood is a bun cover). Since the beginning of tour I have been collecting Swarovski crystals that fall off of the finale costumes. I used these crystals to bedazzle a snood to wear as my bonnet. Now generally the bonnets are much bigger and have a theme, but I figured the snood was perfect for Lois. My schtick in the opening is that I can't get the jazz style of the dance combination and I do it ballet style. So for my skit I got together a couple of my boys and we made it an "audition" for West Side Story. Aaron was our director and Jonathan and Tim were fellow auditioners. I wore a pink leo and pink tights and we did part of Cool. I did it ballet style of course. It was really fun a
This took place in Worcester, MA right before our layoff and some of my girls from college (EB, Kar and Nicole) were there to hang out before seeing the show the next day!
Now on to Kansas City!
What a fabulous suprise it was! Such a cute city with lots of great restaurants and places to see. There was even a coffee shop where you could get a cup of delicious coffee (Snickerdoodle was my personal fave) for $0.55!!!!!! Can you even believe it?!?!?!?!?!
There was a great movie theatre that offerred showing in the deluxe theatres where you sat in big recliners, had a waitress and ate lunch during the movie!!!!
This is Aaron holding up his menu, so excited to see Kick Ass.
Something else that was crazy in this movie theatre were the hand dryers in the bathrooms. Now this may seem like a funny thing to blog about, but it blew my mind and I want to share.
you put your hand in and the air automatically turns on and you slowly lift your hands out of it and they are dry! Incredible!
They didn't have a particularly cool sink, but this what you saw when you looked in the mirror:
Lookin' good right???
This started a trend in Kansas City. Crazy bathroom sinks and things. The other two I cam across while visiting with my sister-in-law SeaSea who came to visit with her boyfriend Eric. We had so much fun hanging out and I'm so pumped they got to come.
Luckily, Steve--My Father-in-law--reminded SeaSea that the Christopher Elbow chocolate shore is in Kansas City so we went there for some artisinal chocolates. They are unbelievable. Like little tiny works of art and SOOOOOOOOO delicious. My favorite was the Strawberry Balsamic. So anyway, at the Christpher Elbow store the sink was crazy. At first we couldn't figure out how to turn it on because there were no moving parts!
SO what you did was touch the right side and it would start running. Then tap the left side to make it warmer. As you can see it also lit up. It was nuts. And really funny trying to figure it out.
That night we went to fabulous restaurant Extra Virgin. It was tapas style and the food was SO good. Their sink was just cool. Nothing confusing or revolutionary, just cool.
It was so shallow and drained out the back! I could totally see this being in my parents house. Anyone agree?
So, moving on. While in Kansas City I got a facebook message that a girl from me and Sarah's USY trip had tickets to the show. What a small world! She lives in Kansas City and saw on facebook that I was there and so we met up for a little bit after the show and caught up a little. That's the thing I love about tour: you get to reconnect with people all over the country that you just wouldn't normally get to see.
Overall, Kansas City was a great success. We had a great time, ate great food, had fabulous weather and I saw this t-shirt at the airport on my way out.
What else do you need in life?
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